My three year old nephew has a thing about his eyes. Whenever we are in the car and the sun is shining on or near him he will yell “My Eyes!!!”.

Personally, I think this is the funniest thing ever (my sister doesn’t agree), so I have randomly taken to joining in with his “My Eyes!!!” chorus, even when the sun isn’t in his eyes.

The reason I share this is today’s Dilbert…

Fun with Google Maps

Here is a neat trick

  1. go to
  2. click on maps.
  3. click on the “get directions”
  4. type “New York, NY” in the first box (the “from” box)
  5. type “Stockholm, Sweden” in the second box (the “to” box)
  6. click on “get directions”
  7. scroll down to step #23

Virus Alert

Seems like in the last year or two the whole Virus Alert phenomenon has disspeared (or all of my friends got tired of me yelling at them when they forwarded one to me). Regardless, for us techie types this Weird Al video still hits home.