This animated owl in a snowstorm is pretty amazing, but it’s not one of a kind.
It’s not the only gif with snow. Here is a whole page of them.
This animated owl in a snowstorm is pretty amazing, but it’s not one of a kind.
It’s not the only gif with snow. Here is a whole page of them.
This one is for my sister who blathers on continuously about how hard it is to have a baby. Amber Branson, coach of the Lipan Texas Indian’s girls basketball team, helped her girls win a state playoff semi-final game less than 24 hours after giving birth.
Womens Basketball coach and science teacher at Olathe Northwest High School, Joel Branstrom was told he would win NCAA final four tickets for making a half court, blindfolded shot. It was a big joke, this shot is almost impossible to make. ALMOST impossible, but Branstrom made it. Unfortunately, the students at Olathe Northwest didn’t account for that – coach had to settle for a gift certificate to a Mexican restaurant.
Seems like politics is full of hot button issues these days that are considered ‘moral’ issues. Abortion, gay marriage, pornography, drinking age, etc..
Sometimes I catch some heat from friends and family members for not being more fanatical about these issues. This quote neatly sums up exactly what I think about any nanny law that attempts to address these laws.
Every man must give account of himself to God, and therefore every man ought to be at liberty to serve God in a way that he can best reconcile to his conscience. If government can answer for individuals at the day of judgment, let men be controlled by it in religious matters; otherwise, let men be free.
John Leland – Right of Conscience Inalienable.
I’m borrowing this from A Yoga Coffee Outlook. It’s a great lecture on happiness, why we are (or aren’t) happy and what conditions will help us be more happy.
Just what I’ve been needing.
This is an amazing story
The one remaining WWI vet in Florida gets a medal.
Ernest Charles Pusey is 111 years old and finally gets a medal from a war he fought in 90 years ago. Imagine how much the guys on the USS Wyoming teased him about his name. The thought that there are still guys alive that fought in 1919 is just amazing to me.
Well, I'm usually not so sensitive, but my friend Marti sent me this and I thought I'd share.
This guy runs in marathons pushing his son in a wheelchair.
I have to admit, I got misty for a second.